Our Services
Dynastic Strategies From the Inside Out

Just as every tree is different and has a unique story, the families we serve do as well. Our thoughtful, strategic, and effective services are designed to help successful and affluent families, their family office staff, and their trusted advisors formulate and implement strategies that result in durable family harmony, financial prosperity, and operational excellence. 

Are you part of a single, multi-family or embedded family office (a family member or staff) and wanting to modernize or upgrade it? Have you recently come into liquidity or are planning a liquidity event in the near future and do not have a structure or plan to manage the new realities and complexities that come from wealth? Are you a trusted advisor to a family, or play a role in the family office team (internally or externally) and need support and resources to foster a healthier and higher-performing system and team? Do you feel that your own or your client’s family office has plateaued and the unique circumstances are challenging and sensitive to address? Xylogenesis™ can be your partner and resource to address those specific needs in a tailored manner.

Types of Family Offices We Serve

  • Conceptual/Theoretical/Startup
  • Embedded
  • Hybrid/Virtual
  • Single Family
  • Multi-Family office
  • Dynamic and ever-evolving
  • Trusted advisors who serve family offices
  • A combination of any of the above

“Working with Rich is like slowing down to speed up. I initially wondered why we were spending so much time on values and intentions; however, the time paid off and it made writing the operating agreement so much more efficient and the big decisions so much easier because we were already in agreement about the family values and funding priorities.”

– Family Principal of a Newly Created Family Office

Our Core Services

Whether you work in a family office (of any type), are a family member of a family office or to-be formed family office, or are a trusted advisor to an affluent family or their family office, we offer our core services to help reimagine the family office to support and enhance multigenerational success. 

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Achieving a Healthy, High-Performing Ecosystem

We understand and appreciate the unique and intricate dynamics and challenges of all types of family offices. Managing, operationalizing, and integrating these components can feel overwhelming and can often lead to chaos and dysfunction for the family office which can result in a breakdown in family trust and harmony. Our services recognize this and serve to develop and sustain a healthy, high-performing family office ecosystem. 

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